hitbtc wrapper

Issue #829 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

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Comments (1)

  1. Desrever Nu reporter

    Closed but inefficient . Waiting for a reply from their engineers:

    Since trading didn't started yet on NBT/BTC, would you consider flipping the pair in favour of a NBT-denominated pair (BTC/NBT) ? Pricing is sooo much better : instead of having coins priced at 0.00xxx you will have prices like 240 (mimic the BTC/USD prices) /api/1/trading/cancel_order : why would I need to specify the side if the order is unique ? Please make it optional, this really breaks all the logic of my wrapper and abstraction levels

    I will need more test , but sometimes the exchange API becomes super slow It took me more than 3 minutes just to cancel 10 orders sequentially. Requests just hang there... And I get 504 Gateway Time-out from time to time. POST requests very often timeout, with a 504 HTTP error. GET request are very fast instead.

    From time to time (very often) , my POST request just hang there forever until they timeout.

    I took the very same code of the Java example you sent me and altered to place 15 sell orders and 15 buy orders in a row. I didn't change anything else (beside is on the LIVE API, on NBTBTC) ...


    Careful, this is the LIVE API, not demo (the prices are very high for sell and very low for buy on purpose). Please fund your account with some NBT and try youself.

    Sometimes the execution is really fast and takes 10 seconds to execute 30 orders, sometimes takes 30 seconds to NOT execute one order. There are some queueing problems I guess Consider adding an entrypoint to get detail of an order given its ID . Currently I have to query the exchange for all the open orders, then iterate on the list to find the one with the ID that interests me. This is unefficient

    Consider implementing a entrypoint to clear all orders (this is very important and will take away a lot of traffic from your exchange. instead of making 100 request I'll just make 1!

    Why you use the clientID to cancel an order when you display on the website the serverID of an order ? Please display clientID also on the website or what's the point of having two id in a first place?

    Consider implementing a entrypoint to place multiple orders at once (same as above)

    How can I compute the tx fee before placing the trade? How can I know if it gets placed immediately or not? Is the tx fee 0.1% ? is there a way to get tho number via API?

    in the docu , Request: GET /api/1/trading/trades , you say that start_index is required, but you also say it defaults to 0. So its not required. is it? What does start_index does anyway?

    Please consider raising the limit of response in /api/1/trading/trades : max_results limit can be higher than 1000 .

    Lot/step for nbt is not available in documentation, while it is via API https://api.hitbtc.com/api/1/public/symbols

    Should I load lot/step dynamically or can I safely assume they'll stay the same for a given pair?

    in the documentation of the sample response of /api/1/trading/orders/active you forgot the orderPriceparameter which is very important in the response. Also, consider explaining every single parameter as they are non obvious (LeavingQuantity?)

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