PIC18F2520 no blinking after successful upload

Issue #1 new
blakejakopovic created an issue

I can't seem to get the PIC to blink the LEDs. I've uploaded the Arduino code to an Uno, and wired up the PIC chip correctly.

When I upload the example/blink.hex using

python pic_programmer.py -P /dev/cu.usbmodemfd1231 -i ./../example/blink.hex

I get the following console output

Connecting to arduino...    Success
Connecting to the mcu...    Your MCU: 18f2520
Erasing chip............    Success
Programming the fuse bits...    Success
Programming flash memory...     Success

Everything seems to be successful, however it doesn't seem to be blinking the leds. Is there another way I can more easily debug whats happening?

NB. I followed http://pleasantlyclueless.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/using-arduino-as-pic-programmer.html for wiring, and also tried using the LEDsON.hex - without any change.

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