Workgroups - counsel/projectile integration; dynamically named workgroups

Issue #14 new
Yuriy Pitometsu repo owner created an issue
;; TODO: use "ESC ESC" as additional `wg-prefixed-map' prefix to "C-c z".
;; TODO: `counsel' instance with `wg-create-workgroup' and cetera functionality.
;; TODO: switch (preview) workgroups during selections in `counsel'.
;; TODO: named workgroups integration with `projectile' (name new wg like current
;;       project by default). And `projectile-switch-open-project' would prompt
;;       to create (or select if available) appropriate wg (in `counsel' - just editable
;;       name and list of current workgroups). There should be customizable function for
;;       project name -> workgroup name transformation. Or even list of such
;;       transformation: to let create for project: *-dashboard, *-playground, *-testing,
;;       *-investigation, *-hacking, *-setup, … (or no and provide editable prompt with
;;       guessed name it's just enough).
;;       Also there should be fullscreen-list of modes (like edbi, erc, jabber.el, w3m,
;;       ranger.el, sunrise commander ( if anybode use it yet at all :) )).

See also:

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