Add support for Enderio

Issue #4 on hold
Former user created an issue

I all ready asked enderio to add support for this mod but can you take a look at adding support for enderio on your side as well making it so bedrock from this mod works with enderio in case you dont know what i am talking about enderio 1.12.2 now has a item you get from lighting bedrock on fire thing is it only works for vanilla bedrock.

Comments (5)

  1. Karjah NA

    It doesn't appear that EnderIO's API allows us to use our Better Bedrock instead of the vanilla one. The easiest fix would be if they allowed you to configure what block to set on fire for the item. We have another solution on the table, but haven't implemented it yet.

    For now, it looks like the solution is to make a custom recipe for the Grains of Infinity.

  2. DeadSpiderVenom

    EnderIO has the ability to add custom blocks in to be able to get the grains without a recipe. Just need the block name for the betterbedrock.

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