Find Errors tool should add stream network to ArcMap, with errors symbolized

Issue #26 new
JesseL created an issue

Add a function that will join the stream network and NetworkErrors table, then add that to ArcMap with symbolization and a nice legend in the TOC.

Comments (2)

  1. JesseL reporter

    Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug in ArcMap 10.1 associated with the arcpy.mapping.AddLayers tool when used with an mxd and the "CURRENT" keyword. Added and updated layers display than immediately vanish from the ArcMap session. Because ISEMP seems to be perpetually stuck with ArcGIS version 10.1, I'm holding off on this for the time being. In the meantime, I'll just add more documentation to the FindErrors readme file to explain what to do with the NetworkErrors table output.

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