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Geomorphic Network and Analysis Toolbox / Tool_Documentation / Sinuosity

Sinuosity by Segment Tool

This tool calculates sinuosity for each line segment feature in a polyline feature layer.

Input Parameters

Line Network: Segmented Stream Network, Line Network, or Centerline for calculating Sinuosity. Sinuosity is calculated for each segment.

Field Name: Name of field of type Double to store Sinuosity calculations.

This tool will:

  • Create new field if it does not exist.
  • Overwrite field contents if it does exist.

Temp Workspace

You may use:

  1. Create a new file GDB to save temporary processing files (useful for debugging).
  2. If a workspace is not designated, the tool will use the "in_memory" workspace. You will not be able to view the temporary files, but the processing speed will be much faster.

Calculation Method

  1. Loop through each segment in line network
    1. Find straight line distance between end points
    2. Divide Segment Length by straight line distance
    3. Calculate Field with results.
