[Feature] Customizable Clan Message on "BorderClanEvent"

Issue #10 new
Rasgnarok created an issue

With GP being further integrated with McClans, neat idea would be to have the Clan Leader customize the greeting/farewell message for their members. It would have an 'admin' template (read off of the config), but Leaders can change it as they wish. Clan Members would be able to overwrite the normal way, using GP's /claimgreeting <greeting message> and /claimfarewell <farewell message>.

Right now, GP claim owners can set it themselves, but if there is nothing, the Clan message should show. This way, the [Clan Name] tag will always appear when you cross into a clan member's claim, since right now, there is no clan tag if there is no message. Defaulting these would allow it to show in all cases.