[Feature] Clan Taxing and Member Fee

Issue #11 open
Rasgnarok created an issue

So as to use the clan balance, server managers can configure a 'Clan Tax' (option should be in the config) to be collected daily (or ever X ticks, yay for configuration), and this amount is retrieved off of the Clan Balance. The leader would therefore ensure there is money in there, otherwise:

1) Clan gets disbanded after X days of not paying (expiration time can be configured) or

2) Assets get 'frozen' and no more members can leave/join.

I personally prefer the first option, since the second incurs low penality for players that are not giving in money. AND, it helps to clear out inactive clans. Then again, open to suggestions on the penality for not paying taxes.

To help Clan Leaders cope with this, you could have a /clan setmembertax <price>, so Clan Leaders can collect off of their members a daily/weekly/configurable? amount that is automatically transferred to the Clan Balance.

Comments (2)

  1. Kippers repo owner

    Think it would make sense if the clan member tax would occur right before the clan tax event (clan upkeep + whatever modifier from gp claim tax etc.) is withdrawn from the clan bank's balance (so at the same interval).

    Then you can not only set the member tax to a specific amount, but could also set it to split evently for example, because you already know what the exact amount is that is going to be withdrawn from the clan bank, which is quite interesting I think. Means you don't have to guess what specific amount to ask your members to keep in the 'green'.

    The penalty for not being able to pay the clan tax is going to need some thought. I feel there are some edge cases there.

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