Refactor WebSocket into a Cleaner Structure

Issue #21 new
hamhut1066 NA created an issue

Currently it's not doing anything.

the ideal would be to clean everything up, and just pull everything together using one main function.

Comments (6)

  1. Kit Barnes repo owner

    What do you mean by it's not doing anything?

    What's not doing anything? The websocket? Because it certainly is. Do you mean in the frontend code?

  2. hamhut1066 NA reporter

    Yeah, the frontend code is slighly messy still... I've cleaned up a considerable amount of it, but I really should refactor out into seperate files, and put the websocket somewhere... it's just sitting in a function definition.

  3. Kit Barnes repo owner

    I see, so it's in your bits. Not sure of whether this issue should live on your repo or here. Thoughts?

  4. hamhut1066 NA reporter

    Not sure either, I think it would be a good idea to keep issues together, otherwise we start to lose our direction, as the project starts to spread. maybe at a later point, ie. if/when we pull the web-client into a separate project. At the moment I think it makes sense to keep them in the same repo. We could label for front and backend code though?

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