IRC client should actively ping regularly

Issue #23 resolved
Skye Welch created an issue

Lots of IRC daemons expect client-initiated pings, and scale back server-initiated pings as a result. Clients that fail to do this might get marked as inactive and kicked.

Has the nice side-effect of fixing the sleep/wake problem with sockets that are apparently open, but actually dead. When a client-initiated ping happens on a socket in that state, it will actively fail.

60 seconds might be a sensible default.

Comments (5)

  1. Kit Barnes repo owner

    Are we expected to ping with specific content?

    e.g. can we send ":ping :some random characters" or do we have to send ":ping" or some such?

  2. Skye Welch reporter

    There is no expectation, other than you get back what you send as a token. A few random characters is probably safest, but I never had any issues with using "idle" in Warren.

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