WebSocket Issues

Issue #26 invalid
hamhut1066 NA created an issue

Getting the following error when trying to connect using a websocket:

failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 200

not working with reconnecting, or vanilla websockets. This seems to be the case even with no custom js.


Create an empty html page, with included libraries: Cookies and ReconnectingWebSockets. write:

var ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket(ws_url);

at this point, you will get the error supplied above.

Comments (5)

  1. hamhut1066 NA reporter

    The value is as expected, it is ws://localhost:8080/. seems to be failing still though.

    actual value, (by calling ws_url) is "ws://localhost:8080"

  2. hamhut1066 NA reporter

    hmm, I'm using HEAD for both projects. and am using the ws_url = protocol + location.host + "{{ reverse_url('push') }}"; provided

  3. Kit Barnes repo owner

    We do need to investigate the fact that reverse_url isn't working but that's something we should do in another issue.

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