Header information of text catalog from lsd_cat.py should also be written to FITS table

Issue #11 invalid
Christian Herenz repo owner created an issue

Currently lsd_cat.py createas a header in the output textfile catalog, that can be used to reconstruct all the steps that lead to this catalog:

# Catalog of detections in s2n_opt_v250_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits 
# S/N HDU = 1 
# s2n_opt_v250_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits median filter subtracted with median-filter-cube.py version 1.0.2
# Median Filter Command: /store/collab/herenz/musewide_candels_lsdcat_v1.0/DATACUBE_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits
# Median Filter Width (km/s): 151
# s2n_opt_v250_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits includes effective noise generated with gen_noise_spec.py (v1.0.2) & applied with apply_eff_noise.py (v 1.0.2)
# Effective Noise Generation Command: gen_noise_spec.py DATACUBE_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits ../CANDELS_cat/CANDELS.GOODSS.F160W.v1_1.photom.cat --radius 5 --maxiter=18000 --outfilename=EFFNOISE_5px_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits --savefigs
# Effective Noise Application Command: apply_eff_noise.py median_filtered_DATACUBE_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits /store/collab/herenz/musewide_candels_lsdcat_v1.0/EFFNOISE_5px_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits --NHDU=1 --blowup --rsexp --output=median_filtered_DATACUBE_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits_effnoised.fits
# Effective Noise Application Method: blowup
# Cross correlation polynomial coefficents: p0=0.77701863343 "  p1=-3.01863354e-05 "/nm p2=0.0 "/nm^2 p3=0.0 "/nm^2 
# Cross correlation velocity: 250.0 km/s 
# Threshold: 8.0 
# Detections: 203 
# Spatial grouping radius: 0.8" 
# Generated: 2015-09-15 21:57:02 
# Tool: lsd_cat.py version 1.0.2 
# Command: lsd_cat.py -i s2n_opt_v250_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits -f median_filtered_DATACUBE_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.fits -t 8 -c cat_opt_v250_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0.cat --clobber --tabvalues=ID,X_SN,Y_SN,Z_SN,RA_SN,DEC_SN,LAMBDA_SN,X_PEAK_SN,Y_PEAK_SN,Z_PEAK_SN,RA_PEAK_SN,DEC_PEAK_SN,LAMBDA_PEAK_SN,DETSN_MAX,NPIX,X_FLUX,Y_FLUX,Z_FLUX,RA_FLUX,DEC_FLUX,LAMBDA_FLUX,X_FLUX_PEAK,Y_FLUX_PEAK,Z_FLUX_PEAK,RA_PEAK_FLUX,DEC_PEAK_FLUX,LAMBDA_PEAK_FLUX,BORDER --groupcoords=sn_max --clobber --fitstable --expmap DATACUBE_candels-cdfs-23_v1.0_expmap.fits --borderdist=20 

This type of information should also be stored in the header of the FITS table. Therfore in the future lsd_cat_measure.py could automatically set some of its input parameters by parsing this information.

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