Effective Noise - Create additional HDU that contains the effective noise used in the source detection / flux extraction

Issue #9 closed
Christian Herenz repo owner created an issue

Currently the first entries of an effective noise file generated with gen_noise_spec.py


0    PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU      22   (3681,)      float64   
1    PPVAR_AVG   ImageHDU        25   (3681,)      float64

HDU 0 is the effective variance as calculated and HDU 1 is an average value of the pipeline propagated variance. However, in the source detection and flux extraction calculations we use e.g. the effective variance cube that is generated with apply_eff_noise.py. Here internaly max(HDU[0],HDU[1]) is taken for each spectral element. This is to avoid extremley low (but unphysical) variance due to ZAP. As the effective noise spectrum is usefull in a lot of cases, it would be benifical to also save max(HDU[0],HDU[1]) as an extra HDU.

Comments (1)

  1. Christian Herenz reporter

    Currently this routine is not used anymore. Feel free to reopen, if you need this feature.

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