3 Issues... Two Requests and a Bug.

Issue #1 new
leeuniverse created an issue
  1. When selecting the “Install Directory”, after the error/warning messages have displayed, please add a function so the next attempt at installing to the incorrect directory and installing the wrong version #, that you “allow” the clicking of NEXT/Installing to occur. Currently, unless you’re installing to the current install directory of the game AND it’s the correct version, you can’t click NEXT in the installer. Sometimes you want to click next to test things, to troubleshoot, create backups, etc.
  2. Various preview “images” of mods in the installer display an “error” that the image does not exist. It looks like in the .ISS files the images are pointing to the wrong directory. Examples of images that the installer says don’t exist are “SniperDefZoom_2х.png” “SniperDefZoom_24х.png” etc.
  3. Could you create a “tutorial” that explains your “File Structure” for your mod?
    In other words, could you explain why you’ve set up your mod files as you have, with a million .ISS files, what each of the files do, etc.? Basically, to make it easy, make a Hierarchical File Structure and explain the structure and the main files, what they do, why they are done that way etc. My Installer for example, I have all the code in one .ISS file, and it’s fairly easy to understand things. I’m all confused by your structure, so if you could clarify it would be great.


Comments (3)

  1. Dmitry Balagansky repo owner


    1. There is some command-line parameters you can use with this setup (https://bitbucket.org/Kotyarko_O/kmp/src/master/src/utils.iss, look at “const”-section). One of them - CMD_NoSearchGameFiles - allows you to pick any folder without restrictions. Will it help to you?
    2. I can`t reproduce it. Now setup has no image errors for both english and russian translations, tested.
    3. First of all, if some project consists of multiple script\code files, then it convenient for author to further support and development this project if it contains many lines of code. Also this question about designing, and it is normal to make not small project fragmented.
      But i got you, it is always not easy to understand some other project.
      I had thoughs before, about complain this project structure, features, etc. Maybe it’s time to do it 🙂

  2. leeuniverse reporter

    Hi, thanks for replying…

    1. Actually, I was just mentioning it for the benefit of your mod pack users as well as those who might use your Installer/Script. It can be helpful to be able to be allowed to install to a different directory and be able to install even if the game isn’t installed, or the game version isn’t the same. I actually already have the function in my Installer, lol. I give the warnings that they aren’t installing to the WOT directory, but then they can still choose where they install, and still click NEXT.
      But, thanks for the info, if I do decide to switch to using your script one day, to adapt to it, your info might be helpful, since I put all my code into one .ISS, your info might help to know how I might need to do it, given yours is many an .ISS LOL. 🙂
    2. Weird… When I compiled your main.iss within the last 24hours, and ran the compiled setup exe, some of the images produced those errors. Maybe it was a problem with the English Translation? For example, the error message showed the image name as this “SniperDefZoom_24?.png” when the actual image name was this “SniperDefZoom_24х.png”. In other words, the “x” was being replaced with a “Question Mark” (aka “?”). So, that does sound like some sort of translation issue or something?
    3. Ya, it’s going to take a lot of work to figure out your methodology. So, I was thinking how you could make it easier to understand. You could maybe make like a “Geneology” type “Family Tree” printout, and then giving some info on each section, what it is and does, and other various aspects of it that “connects” all the .ISS files, etc. So in other words, the primary “files”, .ISS especially would be like the persons in the listed “family tree”. This shows us how your system is “all connected”, how all the files are connected/communicate. I don’t know, I was just trying to think of a way you could explain your system, more than simply saying that every code/script has its own .ISS file etc. Just a thought, don’t know what might be the best way to explain your system, how the files work and connect to each other. Anyway, it would be helpful if you could figure out something.

    Thanks much, good luck with things…

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