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The Dezaemon Tool Kit aims to make creating tiles and graphics in Dezaemon Plus (デザエモン+) for the Sony Playstation easier. Users can create new tile map projects and save the tile map and palette to and from a virtual Memory Card. As of 2016-7-14 now supports Dezamon on Super Famicom.

##Download the latest version (ver. 0.2.2) ##Version Changelog


WARNING: This program does not ask for confirmation when importing/exporting/saving/loading data. Please make backups to avoid any mistakes or data loss.

Creating a new tile map project

Using the -c <NAME> flag a project by the given name will be created. Inside the project folder an indexed PNG TileMap.png is created of the Dezaemon tile map size with a basic black and white palette. An empty folder for palettes is also created.

Modifying the tile map

By editing TileMap.png you can modify the image that will be exported into Dezaemon Plus. When you are done making changes please save the palette to a file using -s. The first colour in the palette must be black. If this is changed Dezaemon will change it back to black when the palette is inspected.

Saving the image palette

To save the palette of TileMap.png use -s <PROJECT> <PALETTE>. This will save the image's palette as <PALETTE>.dat in the palette folder of the project folder. Valid palette names are:

  • BG1 to BG5 - Background palette 1 to 5.
  • EN1 to EN5 - Enemy palette 1 to 5.
  • BOSS1 to BOSS5 - Boss palette 1 to 5.
  • FREE1 and FREE2 - Free palette 1 and 2.
  • MYSHIP - My Ship palette.
  • FIRE - Fire palette.
  • ITEM - Item-Weapon palette.
  • TITLE - Title-Ending palette.
  • USER1 to USER5 - User custom palettes. These are not exported into Dezaemon.

Loading a palette to the image

To load a saved palette to TileMap.png use -l <PROJECT> <PALETTE>. This will load a saved palette with the above valid names from the palette folder of the project directory to the image.

Note: When loading a Memory Card with an image injected using this tool Dezaemon Plus will report that the tile data and palette are corrupt/NG. This is because the save checksum is not updated, but the data will load corrected and when it is saved Dezaemon Plus will fix the checksum.

Exporting a project to a Memory Card

WARNING: This program does NOT check to see if a Memory Card contains Dezaemon Plus save data before reading or writing. Please create save data for Dezaemon Plus with the game before importing or exporting data to the Memory Card.

To export a project tile map and palettes to a virtual Memory Card use -e <PROJECT> <MEMORYCARD>. This will export all corresponding palettes in the palette folder to the Memory Card overwriting any existing data. The entire tile map will be exported to the Memory Card overwriting any existing data.

This has been tested with the following virtual Memory Card types:

  • .VMC - POPStarter Memory Card.
  • .MCR - ePSXe Memory Card.
  • .BIN - pSX Memory Card.

To try and write data to other Memory Card types rename their file extension to .bin or use a Memory Card converter to convert them into a different format and back.

Importing data from the Memory Card to PC

To import data from a virtual Memory Card to a computer use -i <MEMORYCARD> <PROJECT>. This will saved a tile map and all palette data from a Memory Card to a folder named IMPORT in the project directory. Supported formats are the same as above.

Loading a built int palette to the image

The program supports two simple palettes that can be loaded into a project image. To load one use -d <PROJECT> <INIT>. Built in palettes are:

  • INIT1 - A basic gray scale palette.
  • INIT2 - A basic RGB palette.

Super Famicom support

To use the tool with Dezaemon on Super Famicom add --SFC to the end of any -e and -i you use. Dezaemon on Super Famicom supports 1 extra BG palette, Enemy palette, and Boss palette, named BG6, EN6, and BOSS6 respectively.

Example: DezaemonToolKit -e MyProject Dezaemon.srm --SFC

Super Famicom SRAM files must have the extension .SRM. If it is of another extension please rename it before trying.

Example usage

# Create a new project in C:\Projects\ with the name MyProject
DezaemonToolKit -c C:\Projects\MyProject

# Save the palette from project MyProject to palette MYSHIP
DezaemonToolKit -s C:\Projects\MyProject MYSHIP

# Load a gray scale palette to project MyProject
DezaemonToolKit -d C:\Projects\MyProject INIT1

# Load the palette BOSS1 to project MyProject
DezaemonToolKit -l C:\Projects\MyProject BOSS1

# Export the project MyProject and all saved palettes to CARD.VMC
DezaemonToolKit -e C:\Projects\MyProject C:\Cards\CARD.VMC

# Import the tile map and all palettes from memorycard CARD.VMC to the IMPORT folder in MyProject
DezaemonToolKit -i C:\CARD.VMC C:\Projects\MyProject

Built in help

Dezaemon Tool Kit Version 0.2.2
Copyright (c) Kresna 2016 <>

A program to create and manage Dezaemon Plus tile maps and palettes,
and import them into a virtual Memory Card. Now with SFC support!

  -c <PROJ>              Create a new project folder.
  -e <PROJ> <MEMCARD>    Export a project to a Memory Card. This exports
                         the project tile map and any saved palettes to
                         the Memory Card, overwriting all existing data.
                           Can use --SFC
  -i <MEMCARD> <PROJ>    Import data from a memorycard to a project.
                         Relevant data will be saved to the IMPORT folder
                         in the project directory.
                           Can use --SFC
  -s <PROJ> <PALETTE>    Save the current image palette to file.
  -l <PROJ> <PALETTE>    Load a saved palette into the image.
  -d <PROJ> <INIT>       Initialise the image with a default palette.
  -h                     Show this help message.

To use the tool with the Super Famicom Dezaemon use --SFC with
  -e or -i.
  e.g: DezaemonToolKit -e MyProject Dezaemon.srm --SFC
         Will export the project to the SFC SRAM file "Dezaemon.srm".

The path and/or name of the project directory.
  e.g: DezaemonToolKit -c MyProject
         Will create the project "MyProject" in the current path
       DezaemonToolKit -c ~/Dezaemon/MyProject
         Will create the project "MyProject" in the path ~/Dezaemon/

The path and/or name of the Memory Card file. Supported formats are:
  .VMC                   POPStarter Memory Card.
  .MCR                   ePSXe Memory Card.
  .BIN                   pSX Memory Card.
Other formats are untested. To try anyway rename the extension to .bin
and hope for the best

For Super Famicom only .SRM is supported.

Valid palette names for saving and loading are:
  BG1 to BG5             Background palette 1 to 5.
  EN1 to EN5             Enemy palette 1 to 5.
  BOSS1 to BOSS5         Boss palette 1 to 5.
  FREE1 and FREE2        Free palette 1 and 2.
  MYSHIP                 My Ship palette.
  FIRE                   Fire palette.
  ITEM                   Item-Weapon palette.
  TITLE                  Title-Ending palette.
  USER1 to USER5         User custom palettes. These are not exported
                         into Dezaemon.
Super Famicom also has access to BG6, EN6, and BOSS6.

Valid initial palettes are:
  INIT1                  A gray scale palette.
  INIT2                  A simple RGB palette.


Version 0.2.2 - 2016-07-22
 - Fixed a bug when trying to import an image with more than 16 indexed colours to SFC.
 - Added error checking when trying to feed the program a non-indexed image.

Version 0.2.1 - 2016-07-15
 - Changed all instances of the old name "DezaemonToolBox" to new name "DezaemonToolKit" for consistency.

Version 0.2  - 2016-07-14
 - Added support for Super Famicom Dezaemon SRAM tile maps.
 - Added support for BG6, EN6, and BOSS6 palettes.

Version 0.1  - 2016-07-12
 - Initial release for Dezaemon+ on PS1.
