Code Snippets

Issue #12 closed
Denise Amiga created an issue

could you add code snippets?

Comments (11)

  1. Denise Amiga reporter

    Ok no problem, what I mean some call it "snippets/code snippets/user snippets", basically it is to substitute an abbreviation (pressing tab) for something longer. You can see an example of what I say with the editor of freebasic winfbe. menu-> options-> user snippets

  2. 許永寬 repo owner

    Ok, I got it.

    I will try to add the code sinppets in poseidon, using plugin wtitten by freeBASIC

    Maybe this week later~

  3. Denise Amiga reporter

    It looks good, but I can't compile, because I am missing the header files and the iup libraries, can you upload them?

  4. Denise Amiga reporter

    line 639:

        `if( Language = "frebasic" ) then IupScintillaSendMessage( sciEdit, 2198, 2, 0 ) else IupScintillaSendMessage( sciEdit, 2198, 6, 0 )`

    change to:

        `if( Language = "freebasic" ) then IupScintillaSendMessage( sciEdit, 2198, 2, 0 ) else IupScintillaSendMessage( sciEdit, 2198, 6, 0 )`
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