Unexpected 'x' when coverting form type string to type uint.

Issue #22 resolved
Fabio Moura de Oliveira created an issue

After I copy an example, from the documentation, to the editor, then save and click compile. When I stop the mouse pointer over a token and scroll the mouse up or down, a message box with the title "Bug" appears, see msg, in the attached file.

Comments (13)

  1. Fabio Moura de Oliveira reporter

    The code of documentation what I use:

    #include once "big_int/big_int_full.bi"
    Sub print_num(ByVal num As big_int Ptr)
        Dim As big_int_str Ptr s = big_int_str_create(1)
        If (s = 0) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If (big_int_to_str(num, 10, s) <> 0) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Print *s->Str;
    End Sub
        Dim As big_int Ptr bignum = big_int_create(1)
        big_int_from_int(2, bignum)
        big_int_pow(bignum, 65536, bignum)
        Print "2^65536 = ";

  2. 許永寬 repo owner

    The issue is because of the different D1 and D2 standard library, for convert hex string to unsigned int, D1(Tango) accept “0x” but D2(phobos) not, I will fix it at next reversion.

    But another point, why hex string be send to convertIupColor() function? the color value should be R G B format( like 255 255 255 ), I also check default editorSettings.ini in AppImage.

  3. 許永寬 repo owner

    The D2’s error message is more clear than D1, your pic show the function call history( like gdb ), so I can trace the bug more efficient, thanks~

  4. 許永寬 repo owner

    please turn OFF “Enable Mouse Dwell to Show Type”( Preference ->Parser ), I’ll commit new reversion tonight (GMT +8 )

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