Cannot run compiled app if path contains spaces

Issue #26 resolved
Demosthenes Koptsis created an issue

If path of project contains spaces cannot run app

for example

Run /home/user/Documents/DEVELOPMENT/FreeBasic/Getting started with FLTK and FreeBASIC/Projects/001/fltk2......

Comments (6)

  1. Demosthenes Koptsis reporter

    sorry i cannot use gnome

    i use Mate and mate-terminal

    but this issue is not terminal centric it is bash issue

    if you put double quotes around path it works, for example

    mate-terminal -x "/home/user/Documents/DEVELOPMENT/FreeBasic/Getting_started_with_FLTK_and_FreeBASIC/Projects/002 b/Buttons"

  2. 許永寬 repo owner

    I know the double quotes, but……..Try to change -x to -e, everything is different!

    I had tested many terminals, like: lxterminal, xfce4-terminal, gnome-terminal, mate-terminal, xterm, tilix, every ones had little different “trick” then cause we pass wrong command to terminal…………….

    I’ll fixed the issue at next rev.

  3. Demosthenes Koptsis reporter

    -e executes the argument of command not the whole command

    -x executes the remainder so the whole command

    you should use -x

  4. Demosthenes Koptsis reporter

    for Debian 13 Mate wtih mate-terminal i confrm that v522 can run app with spaces in path.

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