byte order mark (bom) in new files, don't compile

Issue #7 resolved
Denise Amiga created an issue

it seems that the new files, by default have the byte order mark (bom), and for some strange cause certain files do not compile well with that mark, it is probably a compiler bug, but if you could change and open the new files without that mark…

Comments (4)

  1. 許永寬 repo owner

    I tested on linux mint 19.1, the compile error: “double free or corruption (out)” error……( if without BOM, compile OK )

    If we use another editor instead of poseidonFB, paste the code and save format = UTF8.BOM, use fbc command line to compile it, the same issue……

    I think the issue is about fbc and mdTypes sources, not poseidonFB; I remerber if I change the default to without BOM will occur another issue( I am not very sure )

    Anyway, I will do same change at next reversion.

  2. 許永寬 repo owner

    Please try at rev0.418, I added a “Create New Doc With Bom” option in “preference” → “Editor”(Windows version)

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