Added verbose flag

#4 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in WebBreacher/peepingtom (pull request #4)

d5e56b1·Author: ·Closed by: ·2013-09-28


I found that, for long lists of IPs, it was not only nice to know what % complete the script was but also what host it was on. So I added code to place the URL to the right of the % complete. Please consider merging and also please def check my code. Love feedback.

***UPDATE - I found that I needed something to blank out or remove the verbose-displayed content as the output from long urls would remain and shorter ones would not be long enough to overwrite the entire string. So, after the verbose host is shown, another call to printProgress occurs and essentially writes 60 spaces. Suboptimal, but it works.

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