macvendorlookup web api disabled

Issue #2 new
Former user created an issue has disabled their API due to abuse.

I tried to change to another URL like or

However I have no idea how to properly implement this into the code. (keep getting HTML error codes)

It is giving me the motivation to try to learn a bit about Python/JSON though. =)

If anyone knows how to change the site, that would be cool, if I figure it out first... I'll post here.

Thanks, -Brandon

Comments (2)

  1. Tim Tomes repo owner

    This is probably a legit issue. However, I haven't used this in years and don't actively support the project anymore. I'm more than happy to merge pull requests to fix it though if you come up with a solution. Thanks.

  2. david switzer

    Hi Tim / Brandon:

    ... ok I've done a pull request before, but now getting Access Denied?

    New version of

    Adds URL-encoding to SSIDs .. feeds my paranoia of people trying to do weird stuff. Changes the URL for mac vendor lookup.

    (one of these days I'll find time to finally do one of the 2 main changes/additions to this code that I'd like - one being mysql support to assist in distributed sensors.. but also, a local MAC lookup file!)

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