embedded album artwork is not showing in deadbeef

Issue #2 new
starws created an issue

OS: xubuntu 14.10 x64 deadbeef from git/master opus plugin from git

Steps to reproduce: embed some picture with opusenc --picture or from deadbeef track context menu

Actual results: metadata_block_picture is available, but album artwork is not showing

Additional info: Embedded artwork fom flac, apev2, id3 tags works fine

Comments (1)

  1. Ian Nartowicz repo owner

    This is now Deadbeef issue #985: https://github.com/DeaDBeeF-Player/deadbeef/issues/985

    Deadbeef doesn't load Ogg Opus or Ogg Vorbis artwork, although it does now load Ogg Flac artwork (I think starting in 0.6.2), and there is no API for plugins to load their own artwork. I have put some code in Opus to load artwork and slam it directly into the Deadbeef artwork cache, but until there is a proper API this is just a hack. It will (should) show embedded artwork when an Opus track is first loaded, but it may expire or be overwritten and won't come back automatically. Right click and update metadata manually will refresh it if this happen. The settings in the artwork plugin don't affect this, although they may affect when the image gets expired or overwritten. Any changes to the artwork plugin configuration will wipe an Opus image from the cache and you'll only get it back by reloading the track or the metadata. I know, it isn't good but it is the best that is possible without changes in Deadbeef.

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