Coloring process fails to show proper manga update age after updating MWx

Issue #202 resolved
Tanguy Civokojd created an issue

Android version: Android 6.0 App version: Component: Xiaomi Mi5 (irrelevant) Description: when I update my favorite Manga reader, the update makes the dating process fail How to repeat: I have many pages of manga and when I update MangaWatcher, they all think that they are 1 days old (and go back to being green) as if they had been updated by updating Manga Watcher X Parser: irrelevant Manga: irrelevant Manga Chapter: irrelevant Type of reader: irrelevant Reading direction: irrelevant

Attachments : as you can see in the attachment GT-R despite having it's last update January (01-2017) and being 8 months old, it still appears as a green manga (recent update)

Thank you very much

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