Read recently not updating.

Issue #258 resolved
Alex L created an issue

1.Android version: 4.4.2 2.App version: 3.Component: Read recently feature 4.Description: The read recently feature isn't tracking any new series read. I just recently updated to this new version. It seems to be affecting Mangapark/mangahere/goodmanga 5.How to repeat: Constant 6.Parser: Mangapark/mangahere/goodmanga 7.Manga: any 8.Manga Chapter: any 9.Type of reader: simple, 10.Reading direction: Left to right

Comments (5)

  1. Alex L reporter

    Uh, sure. though it doesn't really show up on screenshots. To go through the steps again. I updated from an older version. Imported my backup, and my read recently feature has been locked on the same. Screenshot_2018-01-18-21-31-35.png Screenshot_2018-01-18-21-31-11.png Screenshot_2018-01-18-21-30-47.png Screenshots are before opening a series > Opening grancrest senki on mangahere > closing grancrest. I have tried with different parsers and with different manga.

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