Wuxiaworld parser

Issue #387 closed
Former user created an issue

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys import re import time import codecs

import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')

def process_index_page(url): ''' Processes the index page, returns the title, description, and starting element for BeautifulSoup parsing ''' # Get source of index page and load into BS r_idx = requests.get(url) print "Default encoding: {}, forcing utf-8".format(r_idx.encoding) r_idx.encoding = 'utf-8' soup = BeautifulSoup(r_idx.text, 'html.parser')

# Extract book name and links to chapters
# Start with the entry-content div and go down from there
start = soup.find('h1', {'class': 'entry-title'})

# Grab the title (the English part before the "(")
title = start.text.split('(')[0].strip()

print "Fetching {}...".format(title)

# Grab the description
desc = start.find_next("p").text

return (title, desc, start)

def process_chapter_page(ch_url, ch_num, out, debug): ''' Processes the chapter itself ''' r_chap = requests.get(ch_url) r_chap.encoding = 'utf-8' ch_soup = BeautifulSoup(r_chap.text, 'html.parser') first_el = ch_soup.find(True) this_strong = first_el this_bold = first_el tmp = ''

# Get backup title
    backup_title = ch_soup.find('h1', {'class': 'entry-title'}).text.strip()
    backup_title = 'Ch. {}'.format(ch_num)

ch_title = ''
while not ch_title:
    if this_strong:
            this_strong = this_strong.find_next("strong")
            tmp = this_strong.text.strip()
        except AttributeError:
    elif this_bold:
            this_bold = this_bold.find_next("b")
            tmp = this_bold.text.strip()
        except AttributeError:
        print "Could not find any strong or bold elements with the title inside!"
        print "Going with backup title..."
        tmp = backup_title
        if debug:
            print "DEBUG: strong element found: {}".format(tmp)
        # Skip formatting when using backup title
        if tmp == backup_title:
            ch_title = tmp
        # Coiling Dragon- and Against the Gods-style chapter titles
        elif "Chapter" in tmp.split():
            ch_title = tmp[tmp.find("Chapter"):].replace("Chapter", "Ch.")
        # Stellar Transformations-style chapter titles
        elif re.match('B[0-9]+C[0-9]+', tmp):
            ch_title = re.sub('B[0-9]+C', 'Ch. ', tmp)
        # Handle prologue
        elif tmp.split()[0] in ("Prologue"):
            ch_title = tmp
        # Handle stupid HTML in Stellar Transformations Chapter Ones
        elif "Book" in tmp.split():
            # Get next element text, which should be B[0-9]+C[0-9]+
            tmp = this_strong.find_next(True).text.strip()
            if re.match('B[0-9]+C[0-9]+', tmp):
                ch_title = re.sub('B[0-9]+C', 'Ch. ', tmp)
    except IndexError:

# Put chapter title in h1 so the epub converter will see it as a chapter
if debug:
    print "DEBUG: Chapter title found: {}".format(ch_title)
    sys.stdout.write("Processing Ch. {}...\r".format(ch_num))

# Then loop through each next element and plop it in there
# until we hit a horizontal rule
start_tag = ch_soup.find("hr")
start_tag = start_tag.find_next(True)
for p in start_tag.find_all_next(True):
    if p.name == "hr":
    elif "Previous Chapter" in p.text and "Next Chapter" in p.text:
    elif p.name == "p":

def run_pandoc_on(filenames): ''' Runs pandoc on the resulting html files ''' import subprocess

for fn in filenames:
        cmdl = ['pandoc', '-f', 'html', '-t', 'epub', fn,
                '-o', fn.replace('.html', '.epub')]
        print "Command: {}".format(" ".join(cmdl))
        print 'Successfully converted {} to epub!'.format(fn)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        print 'Converting to epub failed for {}. Skipping...'.format(fn)

def scrape(url, books, delay, skip_epub, debug): ''' Scrapes the given URL and creates combined HTML file ''' # Process index page if debug: print "DEBUG: Processing chapter index at URL:" print "DEBUG: {}".format(url) title, desc, start = process_index_page(url)

# Save filenames for conversion later
fnames = []

# book names are between <strong> tags
for elem in start.find_all_next(['strong', 'b']):

    # Book: Coiling Dragon/Stellar Transformations
    # Volume: Against the Gods, MArtial God Asura
        first_word = elem.text.split()[0]
    except IndexError:
    if first_word in ("Book", "Volume"):

        # Skip unwanted books/volumes
        booknum = elem.text.split()[1].strip(':')
        if books and int(booknum) not in books:
            print "Skipping Book {}...".format(booknum)

        print "Processing Book {}".format(booknum)

        # This is a book!  Open a new HTML file and write some metadata
        fname = ("".join(title.split()) + elem.text.split()[0] +
                 elem.text.split()[1].strip(":").zfill(2) + ".html")
        # Use codecs.open to ensure we maintain unicode throughout
        if debug:
            print "DEBUG: Opening file {}".format(fname)
        with codecs.open(fname, 'w', 'utf-8') as out:
            html_title = title + ": " + elem.text
            out.write(('<html>\n<head>\n<meta charset="utf-8">\n<meta name'
                       '="description" content="{}">\n<title>{}</title>\n'
                       '</head>\n<body>').format(desc, html_title))

            # Special case: Martial God Asura
            if "mga-index" in url:
                # Get chapters in this volume
                match_obj = re.search('\((\d+)-(\d+)\)', elem.text)
                ch_begin, ch_end = match_obj.groups()
                # Then just loop over chapter URLs
                for ch_num in range(int(ch_begin), int(ch_end) + 1):
                    time.sleep(delay)  # Slow down a bit so we don't get banned
                    ch_url = url + "/mga-chapter-{}".format(ch_num)
                    if debug:
                        print "DEBUG: Fetching chapter URL: {}".format(ch_url)
                    process_chapter_page(ch_url, ch_num, out, debug)
                # Close out html

            # Now request each chapter and extract the content
            # NOTE: This could be parallelized, but we don't want to get banned!
            #       A scraper might get banned anyway...
            ch_num = 0
            for ch_url in elem.find_all_next(True):
                # If it's a horizontal rule or a strong, there's a new book
                if ch_url.name in ['hr', 'strong'] and ch_num > 0:
                    print "Found end of Book {}...".format(booknum)
                # If it's something other than an anchor, skip it
                elif ch_url.name != 'a':
                # If there is no link target, skip it
                elif ch_url.get('href') is None:

                time.sleep(delay)  # Slow down a bit so we don't get banned
                actual_ch_url = ch_url.get('href')

                # Manual override for ATG link mistakes (e.g. Ch 128)
                if ".com/atg-ch" in actual_ch_url:
                    if debug:
                        print "DEBUG: Found link error:"
                        print "DEBUG: {}".format(actual_ch_url)
                        print "DEBUG: Link replaced"
                    actual_ch_url = actual_ch_url.replace(".com/atg-ch", ".com/atg-index/atg-ch")

                if debug:
                    print "DEBUG: Fetching chapter URL:"
                    print "DEBUG: {}".format(actual_ch_url)

                ch_num += 1
                process_chapter_page(actual_ch_url, ch_num, out, debug)

            # Close out html

# Optionally run pandoc
if not skip_epub:

def main(): ''' Take arguments and run scraper ''' import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Wuxiaworld Scraper')
parser.add_argument('url', help='Index page of story to scrape',
parser.add_argument('--delay', default='1',
                    help=('Delay between scraping chapters (don\'t wanna '
                          'get banned!)'))
parser.add_argument('--books', nargs='+', type=int, default=None,
                    help='The books to download (defaults to all)')
parser.add_argument('--no-epub', action='store_true',
                    help=('Automatically run pandoc to convert to epub. '
                          '(Requires pandoc on path)'))
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
                    help='Adds debugging statements to output')
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.verbose:
    print "DEBUG: args passed to scraper:"
    print "Index URL: {}".format(args.url)
    print "Books: {}".format(str(args.books))
    print "Delay: {}".format(str(args.delay))
    print "No EPUB flag {}".format(str(args.no_epub))
scrape(args.url, args.books, float(args.delay), args.no_epub, args.verbose)

if name == "main": main()

Comments (2)

  1. Yury Savelyev repo owner
    • removed component

    Removing component: Парсеры (Parsers) (automated comment)

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