After updating the app to App never fully loads.

Issue #395 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Have been using the app for many years now. After updating to the most recent version it never loads past the initial loading white screen. Ads to load at the bottom though. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app too.

Comments (2)

  1. Alex L

    Had to post with a different account. The above is me.
    I have not gotten it to ever work since the update. It worked very well up till the last update.
    Device SM-t230NU
    Android version 4.4.2

  2. Yury Savelyev repo owner

    Проверили базу, приложение загрузилось в штатном режиме, пока ошибку не поймали, пока закрываем

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