Torou Temple - Boss can freeze

Issue #12 resolved
Josiah Baldwin created an issue

Difficult to replicate, but renders level unbeatable

Comments (2)

  1. Josiah Baldwin reporter

    I spinjumped the motherfucker when it morphed into a blue bro (in a certain timing, doesn’t always happen), and got softlocked here. Fun fact: I worked around a similar softlock glitch in MKUCS by adding to my boss sprite a certain timer, so in case of such situation as the boss going offscreen or not respawning, the level would end as the timer reached zero. Hacky solution but eh. It helps a bit.

  2. Josiah Baldwin reporter

    Modified Tanuki boss

    Removed both states where tanuki becomes a koopa, because those were weird.

    Changed the statue state so that breaking the statue puts the tanuki into stunned state, allowing her to be hurt.

    Resolves #12, #13

    → <<cset 4bca1c6773aa>>

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