Crash with OpenComputers robot (server)

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

Minecraft 1.9.4 Forge 1.9.4- Capsule 1.9.4-1.1.6

Perhaps I was being a bit too ambitious with this one :P Tried to stuff an OpenComputers robot into a 1x1 capsule.

Crash report

Comments (2)

  1. Samuel Bouchet repo owner

    Of course I can't control every behaviour of every mod but I'll check it out to see what happens and if there is something I can do. Thanks for the report !

    edit : just checked where it crashes, there is some unpredictible (from capsule) side-effect on the opencomputer side while reading nbt-data (a standard TileEntity.readFromNBT overriden by OpenComputers is crashing). I open an issue on their side to see if we can come up with something :

  2. Samuel Bouchet repo owner

    I invastigated this issue a lot further while developping the 1.10.2 version of the mod. In 1.10.2 the same problem occurs when moving the robot using structure blocks, so as capsules in 1.10.2 are using the structure blocks mechanics, it won't work either.

    I updated the issue on opencomputer side :

    In 1.10.2 version of capsule, the deploy will properly fail with a technical error, but for now you wan't to avoid capturing a robot since you won't be able to deploy it again due to the technical issue being still there.

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