ERROR:vcontact2.exports.summaries: 'Escherichia~phage~PA2'

Issue #19 duplicate
Stanley Ho created an issue

Hi there, I get this error everytime I run vcontact2 with the supplied 'ProkaryoticViralRefSeq97-Merged' database.

All idea what’s causing this? It seems to cause the genome_by_genome_overview.csv file to be missing.

Comments (3)

  1. Ben Bolduc

    Hi Stanley,

    Apologies for the delay.

    Has this error occurred with v94?

    I believe this and issue #14 is related, but I can’t replicate the error. It appears that during the generation of the final file (genome_by_genome), a “random” genome name is exported and the run completes. And it’s been a recurring issue for a while for a number of people, despite my attempts to squash it.

    If your input data isn’t too large, could you send me a sample at bolduc.10 at osu dot edu? I might need to get actual data from users instead of trying to troubleshoot it as I have been.

    Sorry for this lingering issue. It’s not from a lack of trying!



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