Syntax error on Vcontact2 script

Issue #25 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, Im trying to run the Vcontact2 tool to identify some phage genomes and it just dont work, always with the same Syntax error:

File "/home/frossi/bin/vcontact2", line 734 logger.error(f"Error in identifying excluded genomes (i.e. those dropped for being singletons or outliers):" f" {e}") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Please help!


Comments (2)

  1. Ben Bolduc


    Hmm. What version of python are you using, and how did you install vContact2?

    That should be syntactically correct python 3.6+… though, now that I’m thinking of it, I don’t think I explicitly define python >3.6. I do in the readme, but not in the setup code (e.g., installations).

    If you’re using a version of python below 3.7, I’d suggest upgrading to that version. Depending on how you installed vcontact2, your installation might upgrade other packages.

    Let me know if that fixes the issue!



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