genome_by_genome_overview.csv not being generated

Issue #34 new
Former user created an issue

Dear Ben,

thanks a lot for the tool!

I have been using for quite a while now but every now and then I have issues with not generating the genome_by_genome_overview.csv file.

I noticed that when it happens, the tool seems to finish and I get an awkward print of viral reference at the end. In this case, I have a 'Bacillus~virus~G' written at the end of the standard output file.

In other cases, there were other viral names there, indicating that somewhere in the code this is printed out...

Any idea on how I can handle such problem? For most cases everything works, but for some it doesn't...

Thanks a lot!

Best Rodolfo

Comments (1)

  1. Ben Bolduc

    Hi Rodolfo,

    Hmm. This is a lingering issue that I believed was resolved in a more recent update. What version of vContact2 are you using, and which database? And any log file you could provide would help as well.


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