Extent of planned update?

Issue #49 resolved
Bridget Hegarty created an issue

Thank you so much for this tool! On the main page, you mention that you have an update planned for the future, although development is overall done. Will this include using the update to the viral taxonomy that was released last year? Thanks!

Comments (4)

  1. Ben Bolduc

    Hi Bridget,

    Great Q. I can’t access your link, but I suspect you’re referring to ICTV’s reorganization of viral taxonomy, where they brought viruses more in line with microbial taxonomy?

    This is something I can look into. It wouldn’t require too much effort to update the database itself, but it would need to ensure that there’s no downstream code that would also need to be updated.

    The update mentioned on the main page is referring to a more comprehensive overhaul of vConTACT2, specifically designed to address the numerous bugs and enhancements. While we’ve pushed out a few updates to address serious bugs, a more systematic update to the code base is required


  2. Ben Bolduc

    I’ve updated vConTACT2 to use ICTV’s update. It’s not in Bioconda yet, but it’s been released on bitbucket.

    Please pull a new version and update!


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