Error: Incomplete database file

Issue #53 new
guang yan created an issue

Hi Ben,

How should this error be solved?

Comments (5)

  1. Ben Bolduc

    It looks like no sequences were read into the database file.

    Could you check the contents of “vcontact/merged.faa” and ensure there are sequences and they’re in the appropriate format?

    And if a previous run failed, try to run it in a fresh output directory.


  2. guang yan reporter

    Hi Ben,

    Thank you for your reply!

    I would like to ask if the gene-to-genome mapping file format is like this ?

  3. Ben Bolduc

    Yes, that appears to be correctly formatted! I would add ‘protein_id’, ‘contig_id’ and ‘keywords’ to your header.


  4. guang yan reporter

    When running vcontact2:ERROR:vcontact2: Unable to identify file format for gene-to-genome.txt.

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