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WADQC / Meta Configs

Meta Configs

The MetaConfigs or "metas" are json files with additional information about the Results produced by an analysis. They are only used by the reporting tools (e.g. WAD-Dashboard).

This information can be anything, but the information supported by WAD-Dashboard include constraints, descriptions, display names and units. There the meta coupled to (the config coupled to) a Selector is used to format the Results.


The meta must be a valid json file, and in order to use is with WAD-Dashboard it must contain the value "metaformat" and the dictionaries "comments" and "results".

    "metaformat": "20180910", 
    "results": {
    "comments": {


The value metaformat is introduced in WAD-QC 0.7.9, and indicates the format of the template used in the meta file.


The results block has the following structure:

 "results": {
    "AcquisitionDateTime": {
        "description": "date and time of acquisition", 
        "constraint_period": 14,
        "units": ""
        "display_level": 2, 
        "display_name": "DateTime", 
        "display_postion": 10,
    "result_float_1": {
        "description": "just some float or integer result", 
        "constraint_minlowhighmax": [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
        "units": "%"
        "display_level": 2, 
        "display_name": "Uniformity", 
        "display_postion": 2,
    "result_float_2": {
        "description": "another float or integer result", 
        "constraint_refminlowhighmax": [10, -0.1, -0.05, 0.05, 0.1],
        "units": "mm"
        "display_level": 2, 
        "display_name": "Distance", 
        "display_postion": 3,
    "result_string_1": {
        "description": "a result not interpreted as a number", 
        "constraint_equals": "TestPatient",
        "units": "mm"
        "display_level": 2, 
        "display_name": "PatientName", 
        "display_postion": 1,

The names for the Results here must match names of Results generated by the Analysis Module coupled to (the Module Config coupled to) this meta.


Four different types of constraints are defined:

  • constraint_period: is the required perodicity (in days) of a test. This one is only defined for the result "AcquisitionDateTime". If the current data set is acquired within constraint_period days of the previous data set, the constraint is met.
  • constraint_equals: is the required value of a test result. Can by used for any type or Result.
  • constraint_minlowhighmax: is a list of four values [min, low, high, max] meaning that the a result is flagged as not-acceptable if it is outside the range [low, high], and flagged as critical if it is outside the range [min, max]. This constraint is only applicable to Results of type float (which also includes integer values).
  • constraint_refminlowhighmax: is a list of five values [ref, min, low, high, max] meaning that the a result is flagged as not-acceptable if it is outside the range [ref(1+low), ref(1+high)], and flagged as critical if it is outside the range [ref(1+min), ref(1+max)]. This constraint is only applicable to Results of type float (which also includes integer values).

A Result can be produced with dynamically calculated constraints as opposed to these static constraints. If both dynamical and statical constraints are available, the statical constraints are used.


There are three display_levels defined for WAD-Dashboard:

  • 0: only visible for admin users
  • 1: visible for key-users and admin users
  • 2: visible for all users

.other fields

  • display_name: by default WAD-Dashboard displays the name of the result as given by the Analysis Module. The display_name can be used to subsitute another name.
  • display_position: normally WAD-Dashboard sorts orders on display name. The display_position can be used to manually define the order of results.


The comments block has the following structure:

"comments": {
   "author": "A Schilham",
   "description": "Uniformity Test without phantom on a Siemens SOMATOM Force",
   "version": "20180821"

None of these fields are required, but it is good practice to include at least the fields "author" and "version" in the comments block.
