Explosion damage is not blocked in worldguards

Issue #31 new
Former user created an issue

when I arrived at the local station I was right inside it and safe buy a player was able to still deal damage I was not in combat and had no timer and his shots still did damage after me waiting in the stations safe zone his explosions still hurt me and this is a big problem and its possible that players will exploit this and abuse it as I have seen a player attempt to use it after I made it clear its a bug and not to be abused they still did it and took my health down a lot in a short amount of time I will leave the players name secret but it can be a problem for players using the stations so please fix soon. - must_eat_brains

Comments (2)

  1. CrazyCat0917

    To give a quick summary from my testing: all explosions do damage to the player at the eco-stations.

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