NG Remote Scene on Android/iOS freeze editor

Issue #1 resolved
Shbli A created an issue

Remote scene is crashing on Android

1- Tested in Editor and it is working finding and able to automatically detect the server 2- Deployed an APK on Android/iOS 3- Selected the IP/Port, and after clicking on connect, the Unity Editor Freeze just like if an infinite loop was running

I'm running on latest version of Mac and latest version of Android

Comments (6)

  1. Michael repo owner

    Hello Shbli!!

    Can you try to generate a standalone build and try on your mac?

    Other people succeed to connect on iOS. Since I have no iOS device to test on, I will unfortunately have to ask you more questions and test through you.

    When you try to connect NG R Hierarchy, it freezes. Can you try to connect Unity Profiler?

    Have you ever encounter the following error? [NG Tools] #3500 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

    Also, can you make sure the chosen port is clear to use?

  2. Shbli A reporter

    Hi Michael

    I'm using port 5555 and I will try another port, what I'm getting is a timeout, I tried both on windows and mac.

    On Windows: [NG Tools] #3500 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

    On Mac: [NG Tools] #3500 - tcp client timeout

    On editor everything is fine, I can see the remote inspector and all is good.

  3. Shbli A reporter

    The problem was my Wifi firewall was blocking it, otherwise the plugin is awesome and thank you very much!

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