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NeGuen Tools / Changelog / 0.5.16

Version 0.5.16:

[NG Hub/NG Nav Selection]

  • Renamed NGNavSelection by NGNavSelectionWindow.

[Network/NG Game Console]

  • Moved NG Game Console packets' ID.

[NG Nav Selection]

  • Added save historic on editor exit.
  • Fixed folders' IDs not correctly fetched when initialized during the first frame.
  • Fixed historic now project dependent.
  • Fixed multi Unity versions compatibility.


  • Added debug to detect when a Packet shares its ID with another Packet
  • Improved ByteBuffer.
  • Reduced logs when dealing a Packet.

[NG Remote Scene]

  • Added method in IUnityData to fetch a resource's name. Used in OnGUI of Packet.
  • Implemented multi-ComponentExposer.
  • Added missing properties in ColliderExposer.
  • Fixed ArrayDrawer deleting foldout when inspector was too small.
  • Fixed ArrayHandler not working on array of UnityEngine.Object.
  • Forgotten files for multi exposers.
  • Improved debug for Packet.
  • Modified GUI when NetMaterial is not loaded yet in NG Inspector.
  • Modified height of message when NG Remote has no NG Hierarchy available.
  • Removed Packet's method handler for Scene_ClientSetSibling in ClientSceneExecuter.
  • Removed call to Show when calling GetWindow before.
  • Removed unused field pathEndPosition in DataDrawer.
  • Renamed hierarchy by Hierarchy in NGRemoteWindow.

[Common/NG Console]

  • Renamed ModuleEditorWindow by ModuleWindow.
  • Replaced Utility.GetPackagePath by cached Preferences.Rootpath.
  • Revamped Constants classes.

[Common/Network/NG Remote Scene]

  • Replaced While by Each in methods Utility.WhileAssignableFrom and Utility.WhileSubClassesOf.

[NG Fav]

  • Fixed null exception in menu item NG Fav Clear when there is no NG Fav opened.

[Common/Locales/NG Remote Scene]

  • Introduction of NG Camera and NG Replay.

[Common/Locales/NG Console]

  • Implemented attribute NGLogger to automatically redirect a log into adequat streams.

[NG Hub]

  • Added scrollbar in NG Hub Editor.
  • Changed shortcut %H by %#H.
  • Fixed NG Hub Extension not initializing settings.
  • Fixed Repaint not correctly called from Hub Editor.
  • Fixed null exception in the rare case where HubComponent window is opened but has no component.
  • Implemented drag & drop for Asset Shortcut and Load Scene.

[Network/NG Game Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Implemented auto detect server instances.

[NG Assets Finder]

  • Fixed MonoBehaviour not correctly handled when searching in scenes.
  • Revamped global GUI and added more fine-grain filters.


  • Added common NG Tools menu items to all windows.
  • Implemented MenuItemPicker.


  • Fixed compatibility issues between Unity versions.
  • Fixed compile warnings in editor scripts and changed minor things.
  • Moved InternalNGDebug into NGTools.
  • Removed call to method Show when calling GetWindow.
  • Replaced RegisterUpdateWindow by RegisterIntervalCallback.

[Locales/NG Console]

  • Implemented setting skipUnreachableFrame.

[NG Components Inspector]

  • Replaced default GUI drawing by Editor when available.

[NG Console]

  • Changed fallback localization now shorter.
  • Factorized all foldout styles into one.
  • Fixed LogConditionParser working on null Frame.
  • Fixed MainStream receiving compile logs.
  • Fixed ModuleWindow not repaint when new logs arrived.
  • Fixed NGSettings.stackTrace.filters being null.
  • Fixed auto-scroll not working at all when scrolling is smooth.
  • Fixed fold styles being generated by Unity instead of NG Console.
  • Fixed foldout styles' textures being unload when unplaying.
  • Fixed foldoutStyle not working because the property fixedWidth was not assigned.
  • Fixed method Clear only called on the first instance of NGConsoleWindow.
  • Implemented setting previewHeight.
  • Improved all themes.
  • Improved skip filters context menu.
  • Moved initlialization of SectionDrawer from procedural code to static constructor.
  • Removed generated textures from themes.
  • Added GUI to Packet sent by Client.

[Network/NG Remote Scene]

  • Automated network de/serializing of Packet.
  • improved implementation of Hierarchy in NGRemoteWindow and derived windows. Now events are invoked when assigning a Hierarchy, connecting/disconnecting Hierarchy.


  • Added a close button In NG Scenes.
  • Added boolean interceiptEvent in HorizontalScrollbar to force the mouse to hover to scroll.
  • Added event NGEditorApplication.EditorExit.
  • Added methods ConvertFromUnixTimestamp and ConvertToUnixTimestamp in Utility.
  • Changed the item "Ping the asset" to "Ping".
  • Fixed EditorPrefArrayString failing with default value of string[].
  • Fixed EditorPrefList not working with List<string>.
  • Fixed NG Scenes sharing last scenes between all projects.
  • Fixed NG Settings serializing styles. Removed unused style.
  • Fixed compatibility issues in method Utility.GetBuildTargetGroup().
  • Fixed compatibility issues with Unity 5.2
  • Fixed compile warning.
  • Fixed methods to handle symbols in Utility working on the selected build target group instead of the active one.
  • Implemented EditorPrefType for Char and Double.
  • Implemented drag & drop of Build Scenes in NG Scenes.
  • Improved Check GUID rendering.
  • Improved EditorPrefType ArrayString into Array.
  • Improved GUI of Preferences.
  • Removed classes' prefix System.
