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NeGuen Tools / Changelog / 0.8.27

Version 0.8.27:


  • Changed access modifiers of most classes to "internal sealed" whenever it is possible.
  • Overhauled Revamped all namespaces, classes, files and folders.


  • Added bypass modifier to avoid any NG Tools prompt.
  • Converted platform code wrapped with defines by conditions.
  • Factorized some GUI code into NGEditorGUILayout.
  • Fixed colors between pro and personal style.
  • Gathered all opening window MenuItem in NGMenuItems.
  • Implemented ErrorPopup to nicely handle NG Tools exceptions.
  • Implemented Undo in many tools.
  • Integrated free version limitations.
  • Removed symbols NGT_DEBUG and NGT_DEBUG_VERBOSE.


  • Added complementary information field in ContactFormWizard.
  • Added constant InternalPackageTitle.
  • Added function CreateInstanceOf<T> in Utility.
  • Added style BigButton in GeneralStyles.
  • Changed ErrorPopup to directly open the popup from code.
  • Changed ShowExplorer in Utility to work in both OSX and Windows.
  • Changed how exception error number is displayed in console.
  • Changed the way NG Tools detect its path.
  • Changed where default NGSettings is saved from EditorPrefs to an asset in persistentDataPath.
  • Fixed EditorPrefArray/List loading the serialized data when not needed.
  • Fixed GUI in Preferences.
  • Fixed argument provided in NGEditorGUILayout.PingObject not used.
  • Fixed button colors in GeneralStyles.
  • Fixed null exception raised in Preferences when loading settings.
  • Fixed null exception when calling GetComponents from UnityExtension in Unity 4.
  • Implemented ExternalNGMenuItems to have root menu items in free version.
  • Implemented sending stats.
  • Improved user experience when using GenericTypesSelectWizard.
  • Integrated embed locales in Preferences.
  • Moved EditorExitBehaviour into namespace NGToolsEditor.
  • Reduced delay before writing settings to disk.
  • Renamed CheckGUIDWizard with NGCheckGUIDWindow.
  • Renamed method StartAsyncBackgroundCallback in Utility by StartAsyncBackgroundTask.
  • Splitted GUICallbackWindow in 2 distinct parts for UnityEngine and UnityEditor.
  • Wrapped SendStats in try/catch to prevent any output.

[Common/NG Draggable Object/NG Remote Scene]

  • Fixed Unity ascending versions compatibility.

[NG Hierarchy Enhancer]

  • Fixed mask value not correctly handled, preventing display of toggle and others.
  • Replaced a cast.

[NG Console/NG Game Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Integrated auto detection of servers in module Remote and R Hierarchy.

[NG Remote Scene]

  • Added sending a disconnect packet when disconnecting from NG R Camera.
  • Appended [BETA] to NG Remote Camera and NG Replay titles.
  • Changed static method name in CustomMonitorData.
  • Discarded generic method from remote invoking.
  • Fixed EnumHandler not deserializing correctly.
  • Fixed NG Server Scene not correctly fetching all GameObject.
  • Fixed cast errors when copying Component.
  • Fixed disabled GameObject not displayed as disabled in NG R Hierarchy.
  • Fixed invoking method sharing its name.
  • Fixed list not cleared when loading Component in Unity 4.
  • Forced DeleteGameObjects in NGServerScene to update the monitoring avoiding a deletion duplication.
  • Greatly improved NG R Inspector rendering.
  • Implemented EnumArgumentDrawer.
  • Implemented Exception MissingComponent.
  • Implemented method's return value feedback after invoke.
  • Implemented opening replay when clicking on "No replay yet" message.
  • Inserted Remote after NG in classes Hierarchy, Inspector, Project, Camera.
  • Integrated free version limitation in NGRemoteWindow.
  • Optimized ListAssetsDrawer.
  • Prevented Packet monitoring to display latest Packet.
  • Prevented an exception when playing with no listener in NG Server Scene.
  • Prevented embedding null assets in NG Server Scene.
  • Renamed methods Serialize/Deserialize with Save/Load in ArgumentDrawer.
  • Revamped how options were displayed. Now appearing in a nice popup.
  • Updated EnumHandler to handle Type Enum.
  • Updated all ComponentExposer.

[NG Game Console]

  • Changed order of some info in ScreensData.
  • Removed test GUI settings in NG CLI.
  • Removed useless space when rendering ShortGUI.

[NG Console]

  • Added few debugs in module Debug.
  • Changed pacman texture's meta.
  • Embedded texture pacman into module Main.
  • Fixed LogConditionParser not handling nested class.
  • Fixed LogConditionParser to parse more cases.
  • Fixed assertion not correctly handled.
  • Fixed field not serialized by SaveToSerializedFileAndForget.
  • Implemented Undo in ColorMarkersWizard's.
  • Implemented save settings after altering any stream or filter.
  • Revamped ColorMarkersWizard's GUI.

[Common/NG Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Fixed random freeze when connected to a server.

[NG Fav]

  • Added error message on top when one occurs.
  • Fixed having an empty name when switching favorite.

[NG Prefs/NG Remote Scene]

  • Fixed Unity compatibility issues.

[NG Renamer]

  • Fixed path label pushing out the close button when too large.
  • Replaced private Unity's methods by protected virtual.

[NG Console/NG Game Console]

  • Fixed pressing tab to auto complete a command in CLI not working.


  • Fixed Packet not correctly deserializing List.
  • Implemented AutoDetectUDPClient/Listener to handle auto detection of remote devices.

[NG Inspector Gadget/NG Remote Scene]

  • Fixed crash in Unity 4 when closing EditorWindow in OnLostFocus.

[Common/NG Inspector Gadget/NG Remote Scene]

  • Added method IsComponentEnableable in Utility to know if a Component has the enable checkbox in Inspector.

[NG Inspector Gadget]

  • Changed dialogs' title in NG Missing Script Recovery.
  • Complete revamped of Missing Script Recover. Now named NG Missing Script Recovery and part of NG Inspector Gadget.
  • Fixed compatibility issues.

[Common/NG Hub/NG Prefs/NG Remote Scene]

  • Replaced call to Utility.GetColor by attribute SetColor to set color regarding the license.

[NG Assets Finder/NG Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Improved feedbacks to guide user.

[Common/Network/NG Game Console]

  • Fixed Unity compatibility issues.

[NG Sync Folders]

  • Introduction of tool NG Sync Folders.
  • Implemented Undo.
  • Implemented error feedback when a file failed its action.
  • Implemented multi profiles to change folders in few clicks.
  • Limited number of profiles in free version.

[NG Prefs]

  • Fixed losing keyboard focus after resetting a preference.
  • Moved try/catch out from LoadPreferences.

[NG Assets Finder]

  • Fixed drop conditions not correct.
  • Improved GUI.
  • Improved replacement rules, to allow replacing by similar assets.

[NG Hub]

  • Added message under OSX to warn about window switching on mouse's screen.
  • Changed an EditorPref key.
  • Implemented Undo.
  • Prevented hidden GUI to display tooltip.

[NG Assets Finder/NG Console]

  • Fixed Unity compatibility issues.

[Common/NG Console]

  • Moved Localization classes from NG Console to Common.


  • Added header in file generated by TextToCodeConverter.
  • Implemented ExposerGenerator to generate Exposer compatible with all installed versions.
  • Implemented TextTocodeConverter to generate C# file from a language.
  • Improved ExposerGenerator to append UNITY_X_Y_OR_NEWER when necessary.

[NG Component Replacer]

  • Introduction of tool NG Component Replacer.
