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NeGuen Tools / Changelog / 1.0.82

Version 1.0.82:


  • Implemented NG icon in all windows.
  • Implemented versionning in all tools.
  • Removed useless partial keyword.
  • Replaced "exotic" chars in titles with normal chars.


  • Added background color to Horizontal/VerticalScrollbar.
  • Added fallback when SectionDrawer is failing its rendering.
  • Added feedback when revoking a license.
  • Added more data in the Contact Form.
  • Added scrollbar to complementary information.
  • Added type Bounds in exposed types in Inspector.
  • Changed InternalNGDebug's accessor to internal.
  • Changed UnityAssemblyVerifier to open the window on demand only.
  • Changed accessors of Verbose methods to public.
  • Changed the way scrollbars are handling dots. Now working with relative offsets.
  • Fixed Append(Byte) adding 2 bytes instead of 1.
  • Fixed DLL NGTools not giving internal visibility to Unity assemblies.
  • Fixed GetEditorMainWindowPos from Utility not detecting a destroyed mainWindow.
  • Fixed NG Diagnostic not correctly forcing refresh.
  • Fixed NGSettings not cleaning previous instances after a compilation.
  • Fixed Utility.IsComponentEnableable() not allowing Component. Because UI has some mysterious internal tricks.
  • Fixed Utility.RegisterIntervalCallback() not properly registering counted callback.
  • Fixed a typo when generating ExternalNGMenuItems.
  • Fixed async task not writing fallback message when there is only one task.
  • Fixed callback in GUICallbackWindow being erased if it is added in the same frame.
  • Fixed contact form not sending complementary information.
  • Fixed creating the wrong folder in the persistent data path.
  • Fixed exception in ErrorPopup during the first frames, where EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow can be null.
  • Fixed exception in property RemoteEndPoint using IL2CP and C# 4.6.
  • Fixed exception when opening a window on OSX.
  • Fixed interval callback not being invoked when altering the list from the callback.
  • Fixed karma popups not showing up at the good position in Unity 5.6 and newer.
  • Fixed lastVersion.txt not handling pro version.
  • Fixed saving data throwing an error due to hideFlags in Unity 2017.
  • Fixed settings being deleted after exiting play mode.
  • Fixed updating NGSettings not being persistent.
  • Fixed version displayed using a GUILayout in NG Settings.
  • Fixed wizard Generic Types Selector not correctly assigning the title.
  • Implemented ForceFallback in SafeUnwrapByteBuffer.
  • Implemented IEqualityComparer on Bg/ColorContentRestorer.
  • Implemented attribute SubClassesOf and its drawer.
  • Implemented colored dots in VerticalScrollbar.
  • Implemented creating a new instance of any windows when pressing control.
  • Implemented fallback when an assembly is failing.
  • Implemented pool of buffers in NGTools.Utility.
  • Implemented spinning wheel when verifying a license.
  • Improved GUI of Contact Form.
  • Improved GetShortAssemblyType() in Utility.
  • Improved NGSettings's cache and safety.
  • Improved Preferences' GUI.
  • Improved Utility.RegisterIntervalCallback to handle one-time callback.
  • Improved sections GUI in NGSettings. Sections' title are correctly shrinked whenever the scrollbar appears.
  • Introduced NG Updater to handle update/backup/restoration of NG Tools.
  • Moved methods to add/remove a CustomEditor into Utility.
  • Overloaded Utility.GetIcon.
  • Reduced minimum size of Horizontal/VerticalScrollbar to 10F.
  • Removed alpha from dots in scrollbar.
  • Removed alpha when drawing dots in Horizontal/VerticalScrollbar.
  • Removed metrics from PlayerPrefs.
  • Renamed InternalNGDebug.VerboseAssert to VerboseError.
  • Replaced GUILayout.TextArea with EditorGUILayout.TextArea.
  • Replaced constant NGT_NESTED_MENU with an auto-generated file.
  • Replaced mask of tools by a string of tools in Contact Form.
  • Replaced support e-mail from with
  • Set a different shared settings' file name if NG Tools is in DLL or raw sources.
  • Set name when creating shared settings.
  • Stripped internal log's mutex when not in editor.
  • Updated wiki link.

[Common/Locales/NG Fav/NG Hub]

  • Implemented NG Diagnostic.

[Common/NG Console]

  • Moved field drawingWindow from Utility to RowUtility.

[Common/NG Console/NG Game Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • First implementation of network for UWP.
  • Fixed PropertyInfo throwing exception using IL2CPP and C# 4.6. (Thanks to Andrew)

[Common/NG Console/NG Game Console/NG Remote Scene/UON]

  • Changed assembly version to file version.

[Common/NG Console/NG Hierarchy Enhancer/NG Hub]

  • Replaced all serializing code by UON.

[Common/NG Console/NG Nav Selection]

  • Fixed Unity 2017 compatibility issues.

[Common/NG Fullscreen Bindings]

  • Fixed Unity not recompiling when asked.

[Common/NG Inspector Gadget/NG Remote Scene/NG Sync Folders]

  • Optimized enum calling ToString.

[Common/NG Licenses]

  • Implemented GUI for special forced invoice version.
  • Revamped code in NG Licenses.

[Common/NG Sync Folders]

  • Cleaned and optimized some code.
  • Removed old code.


  • Added more log details in ExposerGenerator.
  • Greatly improved Deploy Command Center.
  • Implemented EditorWindowsDestroyer to debug existing windows.
  • Implemented many deploy features.
  • Implemented readme generator whenever a package is exported from ExportUtility.ExportPackage.
  • Implemented tool Create DLL All In One.
  • Moved MenuItem's path into "NG Tools/Internal".
  • Renamed window Create DLL All In One with Deploy Command Center.
  • Updated ExposerGenerator to handle IL2CPP stripping byte code.


  • Completely revamped NG Settings system. It is now fully isolated.
  • Fixed Undo in many windows.
  • Implemented HQ the new Head Quarter of NG Tools.
  • Implemented NGLicensesManager.
  • Implemented UnityAssemblyVerifier to check if Unity's Type are present.
  • Isolated all tools.
  • Moved NGSettings from Preferences to HQ.
  • Removed NGTOOLS_FREE preprocessor.
  • Removed code using System.Linq.
  • Renamed pluraly named Enum with singular ones.
  • Replaced code using preprocess UNITY_A_B.
  • Replaced fetching Type from the executing assembly to all assemblies.
  • Revamped wizard Contact Form.
  • Updated HorizontalScrollbar.

[NG Asset Finder]

  • Added cancellable progress bar.
  • Added more feedback to prevent the feeling of stalling.
  • Fixed GameObject filters not persisted between scenes and compilation.
  • Fixed TypeFinder not implemented in IList.
  • Fixed a rare null exception when deserializing.
  • Fixed search using GameObject filters.
  • Forced drawing of the image instead of GUIContent.
  • Implemented activable GameObject filter.
  • Improved Type analyzer algorithm.
  • Improved the way scene filters are saved/restored.
  • Renamed NG Asset Finder with NG Asset Finder.

[NG Asset Finder/NG Inspector Gadget]

  • Fixed wrong namespace.

[NG Component Replacer]

  • Added a warning to tell users to use it with caution.

[NG Console]

  • Added a Sort after an Add in the selection.
  • Added a new test button in module Debug.
  • Added a verification after OnEnable to verify if styles are abnormally null.
  • Added tooltip on log types.
  • Adjusted scrollbar shape in RowsDrawer.
  • Adjusted small GUI artefact in module Archive.
  • Adjusted width of buttons in filter MaskType when option differentiateException is changed.
  • Changed default working stream to 1 in module Main.
  • Changed meta data of MenuButton textures.
  • Disabled menu item of already present filters in skip stack frame's context menu.
  • Fixed ColorMarker not correctly serialized.
  • Fixed GUI of filter MaskType.
  • Fixed ModuleWindow not having its title updated when needed.
  • Fixed RowsDrawer sending wrong arguments to command HandleKeyboard.
  • Fixed Snapshot drawing under the scrollbar.
  • Fixed Snapshot throwing exception of some particular properties.
  • Fixed altering height of row content not being saved.
  • Fixed compatibility for Unity 2017.1.0b6.
  • Fixed compiler stream not correctly displaying log type filters.
  • Fixed deleting logs in module Archive when drag & dropping.
  • Fixed deleting logs not correctly updating the scrollbar.
  • Fixed drag in DefaultRow not clean up after a MouseUp.
  • Fixed error GUI not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed exporting logs having the path not interactable.
  • Fixed field stacktrace being null in some particular logs.
  • Fixed filter Content not updating stream when toggling case sensitivity.
  • Fixed focused stream not saved when changed.
  • Fixed log type markers not added when a color marker was added.
  • Fixed log's content not correctly fitting the area when the scrollbar is displayed.
  • Fixed recovering GUIStyle calling GUI API not in a GUI context.
  • Fixed selecting a log not updating the content.
  • Fixed shortcut to console's Clear not working if no NG Console opened.
  • Fixed stream not having its name updated whenever the name or the category state is altered.
  • Fixed weird out of range exception in ContentFilter. A char cast was being an int cast causing the out of range.
  • Implemented Boyer-Moore search algorithm in ContentFilter.
  • Implemented CompleteThemeAttribute to differentiate partial and complete themes.
  • Implemented DynamicFunc to pass argument between invoked Func.
  • Implemented a scrollbar in the wizard Color Markers.
  • Implemented an option to draw log types in header bar or near the stream.
  • Implemented colored dots in scrollbar. They appear from warnings, errors, exceptions and color markers.
  • Implemented dots in scrollbar for temporary background colored logs.
  • Implemented method StaticSnapshot in NGDebug.
  • Implemented ping when selecting a compiler's log.
  • Improved ContentFilter performance.
  • Improved color feedback of log types.
  • Lowered alpha component to 0.39 in default background colors of module Color Markers.
  • Moved button Collapse into the header.
  • Moved free license's ads into a variable, to avoid allocation.
  • Moved stream options into the header.
  • Optimized UnityLogEntries.
  • Overloaded NGDebug.Snapshot with a prefix argument.
  • Prevented SyncLogs to save the modules rightafter the initialization.
  • Prevented a buffer leak when jumping to a folder through a stack frame's path.
  • Prevented potentially huge fields to be serialized.
  • Prevented the console to save modules when getting disabled.
  • Refactored code in module Archive.
  • Removed background color of options warning and error. Was not easy to read them when colored.
  • Renamed Utility by ConsoleUtility.
  • Replaced GUILayout by GUI.
  • Replaced Unity assembly compatibility with a more reliable fallback.
  • Replaced all Editor/GUILayout with Editor/GUI.
  • Replaced colored foldout by a small colored rectangle.
  • Replaced foldout style with the native foldout.
  • Reset GUI focus when switching between filters.
  • Revamped UnityLogEntries and UnityLogEntry.
  • Set default option Smooth Scrolling to true.

[NG Console/NG Core/NG Game Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Implemented remote version check.

[NG Console/NG Game Console]

  • Fixed completion and display of CLI not working properly.
  • Implemented an option to separate errors and exceptions.
  • Moved module Remote into NG Game Console.
  • Moved variable isOpened from Row to RowsDrawer.
  • Revamped the GUI of streams and filters.

[NG Console/NG Game Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Reimplemented buffers.

[NG Console/NG Nav Selection]

  • Fixed Unity 2017.1 compatibility issues.

[NG Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Added more advices when a connection to a remote server fails.

[NG Core]

  • Added friendlyness to NGCoreDitor.
  • Added icons in Preferences.
  • Adjusted GUI open/save file methods in NGEditorGUILayout.
  • Changed version to 1.0.82.
  • Fixed NG Updater, it is now working in all versions of Unity.
  • Fixed Utility.IsComponentEnableable always returning true.
  • Fixed a crash due to the current scene.
  • Fixed delegate field being allowed by Utility.CanExposeTypeInInspector().
  • Fixed disabling send stats not correctly prompting the message.
  • Fixed import not importing all assets.
  • Fixed installation setup ovewritting the settings.
  • Fixed out of range exception when a settings object is null and last of the array of NG Settings.
  • Fixed restoring a backup not properly handling directory.
  • Implemented OpenFileField() in NGEditorGUILayout.
  • Implemented SafeLoadAllAssetsAtPath() in Utility.
  • Implemented a blocker to prevent fresh install setup.
  • Implemented fresh installation setup.
  • Implemented scene restoration after updating.
  • Implemented window About.
  • Improved GUI of Contact Form.
  • Improved GUI of licenses in Preferences.
  • Possibly fixed a small issue, preventing double notification from NG Fullscreen Bindings.
  • Prevented OnGUI() in NG Diagnostic being obfuscated.
  • Removed legacy check version method.
  • Renamed Common by NG Core.
  • Replaced hardcoded channels by remote channels in channel subscription GUI.

[NG Core/NG Game Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Added device name in UDP server instances to clarify the identity.
  • Modified BaseServer to be used as a contained object instead of MonoBehaviour.

[NG Core/NG Licenses]

  • Replaced HTTP request BeginGetResponse with BeginInvoke/GetResponse.

[NG Draggable Object]

  • Implemented context menu when clicking on indexer.
  • Prevented null exception when toying with assets containing null members.
  • Replaced how NG Draggable Object injects itself into Unity Editor. Now uses reflection instead of a constant.

[NG Fav]

  • Fixed adding a default favorite after each compilation.
  • Fixed root GameObjects not being refreshed.
  • Fixed scene selection being binded to a project prefab.

[NG Fav/NG Hub]

  • Implemented background color.

[NG Fullscreen Bindings]

  • Fixed generating external file not refreshing when in play mode.
  • Fixed toggling fullscreen over any window throwing an exception.
  • Improved switch between windows when maximized.

[NG Fullscreen Bindings/NG Remote Scene]

  • Removed beta state.

[NG Game Console]

  • Added package's version in SystemInfoData.
  • Fixed close button not rendered in front.
  • Fixed displaying big text throwing length limit error.
  • Fixed module Remote using GUILayout instead of GUI.
  • Fixed using wrong namespace in local version.
  • Implemented option appendStackTrace.
  • Prevented rendering when there is nothing to show in ObjectCountData.
  • Replaced an invoke by a coroutine.

[NG Game Console/NG Remote Scene]

  • Adjusted GUI.
  • Fixed port using Int16 instead of UInt16.
  • Implemented save of variables.
  • Improved feedback when connecting to a remote server.

[NG Hierarchy Enhancer]

  • Changed Metrics now called when really using the GUI.
  • Replaced calling OnHierarchyGUI via Reflection with an interface.

[NG Hub]

  • Fixed component MenuCaller not saving after picking a menu.
  • Fixed editing hub component not showing at the good position.
  • Fixed resize not correctly updating the windows.
  • Fixed right-width of NG Hub Extension with Unity 5.5 and newer.
  • Prevented configuration file warning to display rightafter pressing Play.
  • Separated per project if window is docked.

[NG Inspector Gadget]

  • Added a cancellable progress bar when scanning.
  • Fixed MonoScript displaying more than the TextArea limit.
  • Fixed cast issue when trying to fetch enable from a Transform in NG Reorder Components.
  • Implemented selection change awareness in NG Missing Script Recovery.
  • Introduction of MonoScriptEditor. A simple script visualizer in Inspector.
  • Splitted NG Missing Script Recovery into many files.

[NG Licenses]

  • Added fake feedback if the request is instant.
  • Fixed rare null exception after initialization.
  • Fixed saving corrupted licenses.
  • Implemented fallback when the request is failing.
  • Moved all try/catch into RequestServer().

[NG Missing Script Recovery]

  • Implemented AssemblyInfo for NG Missing Script Recovery.
  • Implemented a default editor to offer to fix broken Component.
  • Moved NG Missing Script Recovery to its own folder.
  • Subtly improved matching Type algorithm.

[NG Prefs]

  • Added a warning message for user under OSX using NG Prefs in a new project.
  • Changed public class accessor of Plist to internal.
  • Fixed PlayerPrefs location on Windows for Unity 5.5 and newer.
  • Fixed null exception when an entry is deleted outside of NG Prefs.
  • Set the GUI focus to null when resetting a preference.

[NG Remote Scene]

  • Added a lot of debug logs.
  • Added debugs in network object serializers.
  • Added link.xml to prevent IL2CPP stripping types used in exposers.
  • Added prefix in paths's foldout of ListingAssetsDrawer.
  • Changed GUI of replay modules Keyboard and Mouse.
  • Changed message when auto-disconnecting on an expired ping.
  • Changed order when fetching Type from string in TypeHandlersManager.
  • Changed selection now changing on MouseDown in NG R Hierarchy.
  • Embed TypeHandler into NetField and ArrayHandler to guarantee a safe deserialization.
  • Fixed ClassDrawer embedding its object. It now uses the DataDrawer.
  • Fixed NGServerScene processing only one root GameObject.
  • Fixed array not resizing.
  • Fixed change scene notifier not reset when disconnecting.
  • Fixed custom TypeHandler not being correctly handled.
  • Fixed enum not updating the server, due to Type mismatch.
  • Fixed event not unregistered in NGServerCamera.
  • Fixed fetching TypeHandler from string type not looking in all assemblies.
  • Fixed gathering root GameObject.
  • Fixed hierarchy not resetting "auto request hierarchy" timer.
  • Fixed icon not restoring.
  • Fixed null exception when drag & dropping Game Object in NG R Hierarchy.
  • Fixed opening NG R Camera from context menu.
  • Fixed scanned shaders in NGServerScene not persisted.
  • Fixed server not closing the client socket on disconnection.
  • Fixed type Renderer not accepted as a Material holder.
  • Fixed typo in title when exporting replay from NG R Camera.
  • Greatly improved GUI of NG R Project.
  • Implemented Scene.
  • Implemented buffer fallbacks to greatly enhance safety.
  • Implemented fallback whenever a field is failing.
  • Implemented notification when the hierarchy is automatically refreshed and massive.
  • Improved ClientComponent's GUI.
  • Improved GUI of ListingAssetsDrawer.
  • Improved GUI of Material in NG R Inspector.
  • Improved UI in NG R Inspector.
  • Improved algorithm of ListingAssetsDrawer.
  • Improved client types management.
  • Improved debug info.
  • Improved interaction with null array. We can modify them now.
  • Moved GUI style SmallLabel into ValueMemorizer<T>.
  • Optimized fetching of FieldInfo and PropertyInfo.
  • Prevented assigning a prefab anchor to the ghost camera.
  • Prevented pinging the server when using Verbose mode.
  • Refactored a lot of code.
  • Removed legacy code.
  • Removed preprocessor NGTOOLS_FREE.
  • Replaced returning null by throwing an exception when no TypeHandler is found.
  • Replaced the way to open remote windows.
  • Turned logs into error logs.
  • Wrapped array size between brackets in ArrayDrawer.

[NG Renamer]

  • Added directories in result when dropping folder/file.
  • Fixed filter Replace not working when pattern equals the replacement if we ignore the case.
  • Replaced rect dotted background by an unfill rect.

[NG Scenes]

  • Added MenuItem in Windows/NG Tools.
  • Fixed MenuItem's method not public.
  • Fixed order of MenuItem used when generating the rooted menu.
  • Fixed save profile feedback not rendering correctly on personal skin.
  • Reduced free profiles from 3 to 2.

[NG Sync Folders]

  • Added a cancellable progress bar when scanning and synchronizing.
  • Changed GUI to always display the path.
  • Disabled Watch feature.
  • Fixed IO exception when both paths are empty.
  • Implemented a scrollbar for slaves.
  • Improved path feedback when altering it.
  • Improved path feedback when it is invalid.
  • Removed beta state.


  • Added comment to DeserializationData.
  • Changed ClassUON now creating object using default constructor when available.
  • Fixed cached byte in hexadecimal less or equal 16 having 2 chars instead of 1.
  • Fixed compilation error.
  • Fixed de/serializing enum not working if the value is a mask.
  • Fixed dependencies from NGTools.
  • Forced exception when a registered Type is null.
  • Implemented debug output level.
  • Implemented object references in the format.
  • Improved test cases.
  • Introduction of UON.
  • Replaced ActionUON with DelegateUON.
  • UWP compliant.
