Table.Insert errors when trying to append value to table

Issue #46 new
mezzodrinker created an issue

Take the following code example:

tbl = {}
Table.Insert(tbl, 'value')

This code is supposed to append the value 'value' to the table tbl so that afterwards tbl is equivalent to this:

{ 1='value' }

However, when trying to execute the above script, the following error is thrown:

Exception: bad argument #2 (number expected, got string)
Stack traceback:
  [Java]: in function 'Insert'
  stdin:1: in function 'main'

Looking at the Java source code of Table.Insert, we can find the following:

public static void insert( MtsValue argTable, MtsValue arg2, MtsValue arg3 )
    MtsTableList list = checkTable( argTable, 0 ).list();

    if ( arg3.isNil() )
        list.add( arg2 );

    checkNumber( arg2, 1 );
    list.add( arg2.asNumber(), arg3 );

The error is caused in line 9 above because the if-statement which checks if arg3 is nil does not return after adding the value to the table.

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