Table.Concat differs from its Lua equivalent when using a range that ends beyond the end of the table

Issue #54 open
mezzodrinker created an issue

Take the following Lua code example…

tbl = { 'a', 'b', 'c' }
table.concat(tbl, ',', 1, 4)

…and its MobTalkerScript counterpart:

tbl = { 'a', 'b', 'c' }
Table.Concat(tbl, ',', 1, 4)

When executed by Lua 5.3.3, the script will run into the following error:

stdin:1: invalid value (nil) at index 4 in table for 'concat'

However, when run in MobTalkerScript 3.0.6, the same script will complete as if the third parameter had not been set and return the string a,b,c.

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