Blackwing Lair

Issue #13 new
Johan created an issue
      **Razorgore the Untamed**

ID 12435

BUG: When you use orb of domination for control Razorgore the Untamed, server CRASH

Razorgore the Untamedcan't destroy egg for finish event

Gameobject "generateur de monstre" visible for player.

      **Vaelastrasz the Corrupt**

ID 13020

BUG Vaelastrasz the Corrupt say <ERROR>

Vaelastrasz the Corrupt respawn so fast

      **Gobject Suppression Device**

ID 179784

BUG Player can't use for cancel spell caster

       **Seigneur Victor Nefarius**

ID 10162

BUG Seigneur Victor Nefarius say <ERROR>

Seigneur Victor Nefarius teleport player under the map

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