Window freezes after starting an operation.

Issue #23 resolved
lcharles created an issue

I came across some bugs in time to start forging, send lease balance, and other transactions.

After changing the account on a PC with Win8x86, when I click forging, confirmation appears but after clicking it remains on the screen, being necessary to refresh the page. After that forging does not start on that PC (despite being started in another(Linux)), I've closed the client and open it again but the error remains, ane is not forging.

Should I delete the blockchain to download it again? If I am mistaken, it appears that the NXT re-Scans the blockchain again after a certain period of time.

That occurs with final client, not testnet.

Comments (5)

  1. lcharles reporter

    The wallet returned to normal now, but it took more than a day for this to happen. This happen when i create a brand new wallet and place some balance in it.

  2. MattWo NA

    normaly it's not needed to delete the blockchain. Which browser are you using? I think it's a browser bug and possibly already fixed in upcoming version.

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