rulebook: Aventurisches Bestiarium 1 (bestiary)

Issue #134 on hold
Nando Neck created an issue

The following content is contained in the game helper book:

Type number pages
special animal combat manoeuvre 10 7-8
bestiary 40 10-89
animal 28 92-119
advantages ✅ 7 120-121
disadvantages ✅ 2 121
poisons ✅ 7 124
special abilities ✅ 2 124-125
diseases ✅ 2 125-126
tradesecrets ✅ 4 124

Comments (6)

  1. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    Part of this is already in? Do you want to put the whole bestiary/all animals in TDA? Currently there is not really use for having the data of a dragon in TDA? How do you intend to use this?

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