Prerequisites determination for multiple items with the same id

Issue #150 resolved
Nando Neck created an issue

e.g. fpr Wege Der Vereinigung we get additional Persönlichkeitsschwächen, Schlechte Angewohnheiten & Schlechte Eigenschaften.

Those have still the same Prerequisites, that they can only be chosen twice, or the ap value, they give is counted only 3 times.

To solve this, my idea is to give them the name “Persönlichkeitsschwäche“ = the name they have in the GRW but to give them a different id “persoenlichkeitsschwaechesex“ != “persoenlichkeitsschwaeche“ and also a further attribute “mainid“, which equals “persoenlichkeitsschwaeche“

To calculate it correctly if the maximum is reached the maxcount function should check for evaluation if the prerequisite is matched, if a “mainid“ is given and match it with the current selections + the selections with the id=mainid and also the other way around.

Comments (4)

  1. Nando Neck reporter

    We could use the parameter parent instead of mainid

    Because this parameter has been implemented already

  2. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    This is now implemented.

    If there are several definitions of a rule element, in different JSON files, and each definition has a list of variants the lists are merged into one. So the peronality flaws from Wege der Vereinigung are added to the list of personality flaws from the core rules.

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