Show Patrons and groups in primary and secondary patron spab (magical)

Issue #194 resolved
Nando Neck created an issue

Analog to magical/blessed traditions it would be great to see the patrons and possibly also to patron groups, related talents and book/page listed in the spab-magical primaererpatron & sekundaererpatron

I would suggest to create 4 Tables, one for each Patron group and display the patrons there:


Name Talente Regelwerk
Adler Klettern Aventurische Magie 3, Seite xxx
Körperbeherrschung Die Dampfenden Dschungel, Seite xxx


Name Talente Regelwerk
Blutgeist Klettern Aventurische Magie 3, Seite xxx
Körperbeherrschung Die Dampfenden Dschungel, Seite xxx

Comments (3)

  1. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    This is implemented with commit 4321205

    The two special abilities list the patron groups and for every group the patrons. The output is a table with only the columns name and skills, The player can click on the patron to open a page that lists the traditions and rule books.

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