weight of items from the dsa5aventurien/equipment.json disappeared in tda

Issue #200 resolved
Nando Neck created an issue

The weight info for dsa5aventurien/equipment.json is set to pounds. probably because of the localization this is not evaluated properly anymore and the weight is not listed in tda anymore

Comments (2)

  1. Nando Neck reporter

    I would suggest to convert this weight to “stein“ instead of pound. This is the only file that contains weight not in stein.

  2. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    This is fixed now. The error had nothing to do with the unit for the weights.

    The measures.json, mprovementcolumns.json files need to be loaded before every other file. This is why they were the first files in the list of file of the core rules.

    After rearranging the file in alphabetical order the files where moved and thus loading of weights, lengths and AP cost could fail.

    To preven this in the future I moved the files to a array "initialfiles".

    The weights are now loaded again correctly.

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