rulebook: Core rulebook

Issue #257 open
Nando Neck created an issue

The following content is contained in the rulebook:

Type number pages
gods 12 10
arch demons 12 10
focus rules 6(Füchsich) 31,41,184,217,219,228,252
status 22 32-36
start level 7 39
species 4 40,88-94
cultures 26 41-42,96-126
advantages 50 47-48,163-170
disadvantages 52 48-49,170-179
combat techniques 14 51,235-236,245
spab general 33 52-53,214-220
spab fate 6 53,222
spab magical 7 53,279,281,284-285
spab enchantment staff 8 54,276-278
spab karma 5 54,321
spab combat 31 54-55,246-250
abgeleitete Werte 8 56-57
current play date (for each hero) 1 to automatically calculate age based on year and day
age roll 28 58
birthday roll 1 59
background questions 17 60-61
archetyp 12 62-85
professions 31 129-160
talents 59 188-214
tradesecret 20 215
languages 27 222-224
scripts 16 224
armor 7 237,374
spell merkmal 11 252-253
spab magical sign 4 266
equipment 351 270,350,364-365,374-382
alchimica 8 272-274
magical tradition 3 275,278,283
Vertrautentricks 12 279-280
target categories ? 282-
spells curses 12 282-283
spells songs 6 283-284
spells cantrips 12 286-287
spells 48 287-300,355
spells rituals 6 300-301
chant aspects 12 306-308
blessed tradition 6 317-320
chants blessings 12 322-323
chants 34 324-331
chants ceremonies 6 331-333
poisons 5 342,361,380
diseases 4 343-344
herbary 7 345-346,380
bestiary 10 356-362
spab animal combat manouvre 2 362
quipment packages 3 364-365
meleeweapons 58 366-368
rangedweapons 18 372

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