Different problems with styles and extended/advanced specialabilities

Issue #278 resolved
Nando Neck created an issue
  1. chant- & spellstyles do not show available magical advanced specialabilities, fightingstyles show wrong name for it. Names should be:

    1. Erweiterte Liturgiesonderfertigkeiten:
    2. Erweiterte Kampfsonderfertigkeiten:
    3. Erweiterte Talentsonderfertigkeiten:
    4. Erweiterte Zaubersonderfertigkeiten:
  2. advanced specialabilities limited to a variant cannot be set up at advancedspecialabilities like this (e.g. Hüter der Esse)

  3. spellstyles are quite long and it’s not easy to read it, probably we should use the abbrevations here, similar to the professions, to just show the abbrevationnames, at the advanced magical specialabilities

    1. it could also help to make <br> between all prerequisites to better understand them (I think this would be good in general for all prerequisites)
  4. for the advanced specialabilities we should adjust the automatically generated text

    1. currently we get as prerequisites at the end [“style A“, “style B“, …]
    2. it would be better to have depending on the type the following message: [passender Talentstil/Kampfstil/Zauberstil/Liturgiestil (“style A“, “style B“, …)]
  5. some specialabilities do not have a fitting style:

    1. nachladespezialistboegen
    2. gegnerischezauberpraxiserz
    3. gegnerischezauberpraxishumus
  6. styles from any rulebook except for kompendium2 do not show “Erweiterte Talentsonderfertigkeiten:“

    1. Weg der Skaldin
    2. Weg der Schmiedin
    3. Weg der Wandergesellin
  7. some of the fightingstyles from Kompendium 2 are not showing the “Erweiterte Kampfsonderfertigkeiten:“

    1. Ederion-Stil
    2. Gareth-Stil

styles with problems:

  1. aventurischemagie2/spab-spellstyles.json

    1. scholarderakademiedesmagischenwissenszumethumis
  2. aventurischesgoetterwirken/spab-chantstyles.json

    1. almost all
  3. aventurischesgoetterwirken2/spab-chantstyles.json

    1. almost all
  4. diedampfendendschungel/glaubemachtheldenmutddd/spab-fightingstyles.json

    1. dschungelschleicherstil
  5. diegestadedesgottwals/glaubemachtheldenmutdgdg/spab-skillstyles.json

    1. styles do not show “Erweiterte Talentsonderfertigkeiten:“

check gebieterdesaspekt at the end, if no option is available if no fitting chant style selected

Comments (14)

  1. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    3. Is fixed in commit ee4004e, The standard list that is used to select most rule elements now uses a abbreviation as display test. If no abbreviation is set the name is used. Is added a abbreviation as an example to "Scholar des Seminars der elfischen Verständigung und natürlichen Heilung zu Donnerbach" => "Scholar des Seminars zu Donnerbach".

    3.1. This can be a bit complex it seems. Putting a line break between the elements creates a list, but as some of the elements in the lists are again lists it would need to create a sublist to clearly see what is grouped together. Implementing this to work right in all cases seems to be a bit of work, so I’m not solving this right now.

  2. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    4. I could only add a generic “appropriate Style” as I do not have the information what type (magic, combat,..) of style is needed.

  3. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    5. If that is how it is in the rule book, I don’t think we need to do anything here.

  4. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    In case of Scholar der Akademie zu Methumis the JSON definition of the advanced special abilities now looks like this.

    "advancedspecialabilities": [
          "description": "eine erweiterte Zaubersonderfertigkeit aus einem Nebenfach (%1)",
          "specialabilities": [

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