animistpowers & controlrituals do not inherit castingtime parameter

Issue #282 resolved
Nando Neck created an issue

It would be good if animistpowers & controlrituals, that all have the same castingtime would inherit it when it is specified outside the datablob.


    "type": "spells",
    "castingcostunit": "astralenergie",
    "castingtime": 1,
    "maxlevel": 14,
    "minlevel": 0,
    "rulebook": "aventurischemagie3",
    "data": [
            "castingcost": 3,
            "check": [
            "duration": "immediate",
            "group": [
            "ic": "b",
            "id": "bluttrinken",
            "name": "Blut trinken",
            "page": "15",
            "property": "heilung",
            "rulesdescription": "Der Animist kann das Blut eines von ihm getöteten Kulturschaffenden trinken, um sich dessen letzte Lebenskräfte anzueignen. Dadurch kann der Animist QS LeP bei sich heilen, allerdings nur maximal bis zum eigenen Maximalwert. Der Einsatz dieser Fähigkeit dauert mindestens 2 Aktionen, nach Meisterentscheid auch noch länger.",
            "traditions": [

Comments (2)

  1. Bernhard Jung repo owner

    Fixed this in commit e6830ec

    There was bug in the code loading a casting time. Instead of setting a undefined casting time as a undefined it was set to 0 actions. This meant the default casting time in the header was overwritten with 0 actions.

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